Four Features and Seven Advantages of NVR Compared with DVR
Four Features and Seven Advantages of NVR Compared with DVR

Four Features and Seven Advantages of NVR Compared with DVR


NVR and DVR, as the core storage and analysis equipment of video surveillance, play an important role in the security surveillance market.The biggest difference between the two is that DVR encodes and decodes the analog video collected by analog cameras and stores them in hard disk While NVR directly records the digital video that the camera has encoded. Features of NVR compared to DVR: 1. Front-end diversity 2. Network adaptability 3. Streaming media application 4. Distribution. NVR has advantages over DVR: 1. NVR has the advantages of diversification of image data 2. Broad transmission and expansion advantages 3. Construction wiring advantages 4. Plug and play convenient advantages 5. Reachable mass storage and remote access backup 6. Security advantages 7. Management Advantages. With the popularization of HD, NVR is expected to become the leader of the security storage market and even the replacement of DVR with its technical and functional advantages .

Features and advantages of NVR compared to DVR

First, the concept of NVR

NVR is a monitoring system with full network management. It can realize the whole process monitoring and centralized management of transmission lines, transmission networks, and all IP front ends, including the query of system status and parameters. At the same time, it can do distribution and transmission management of image signals.

Second, the characteristics of NVR compared to DVR

It can be seen from the literal meaning that both are video storage devices, and NVR puts more emphasis on “Network”, that is, NVR devices are more adapted to the network. Therefore, the difference between the two can be easily understood: DVR equipment focuses on digital storage of video. In addition to the digital storage function of NVR equipment, NVR equipment pays more attention to network applications of digital video.

(A) front-end diversity

The front end of NVR products is different from DVR. The front end of a DVR product is an analog camera, which can be regarded as a digital encoding storage device for analog video, while the front end of an NVR product can be an IP camera, a video server (video encoder, decoder), and a DVR (encoding storage) , Device types are more abundant. In the bank monitoring business, it can be connected to the DVR equipment of the original analog system, as well as the video server, IP Camera and higher HD cameras of the digital system.

(Two) network adaptability

NVR products pay more attention to network applications, so this type of equipment pays more attention to the efficiency of video transmission on the network. In contrast, DVR products often have low transmission efficiency in a network environment.

(Three) streaming media applications

After video data is encoded, streaming media technology is often used in the network. This technology controls the bit rate and frame rate of the video stream to make the video achieve better transmission efficiency under different network bandwidth environments. The data characteristics of streaming media can generate more application models, and can even be easily embedded into other business systems and become part of the business system. Therefore, through the combination of streaming media and database technology, video data can be more easily called in other business systems and more application modes can be generated.

(D) Distribution

In the monitoring system of some large projects (such as banks), the limitation of network bandwidth is a major bottleneck for the unified integration of the entire monitoring system. Large and continuous video stream data cannot be stored and recalled to the center through the network like business system data. Therefore, when building a large-scale monitoring system like a bank monitoring system, it is often necessary to adopt a distributed multilayer structure to adapt to the network environment.

The distributed system can distribute the video data storage and forwarding pressure of the monitoring system to each “node”, and at the same time, can uniformly manage each “node”. Through NVR equipment, a distributed network with NVR equipment as “nodes” can be established, thereby more adapting to the existing network environment and effectively reducing the network transmission and data storage pressure of the central node.

Advantages of NVR over DVR


(A) NVR has the advantage of diversified image data

NVR’s front-end access to video image data is more flexible than DVR, mainly because it is compatible with network cameras or network servers. A few brands of NVRs are also compatible with analog video equipment inputs. Hybrid NVR is also a The most suitable application for the transition period from analog image to digital development.

(B) NVR has broad transmission and expansion advantages

The DVR system is an analog signal, so the distance of the image signal will be greatly restricted by the distance constraint, and the distance between the monitoring point and the control center will also be greatly restricted. Multi-region or remote deployment cannot be achieved. But NVR is different. Based on NVR is a product of a full network architecture image monitoring system, the network camera at the monitoring point and the NVR can be interconnected through any IP network. Therefore, the monitoring point can be located anywhere on the network. Will be limited by area and distance.

(C) NVR has construction wiring advantages

In the past, DVRs have basically used analog coaxial lines. From the back end to each camera monitoring point, coaxial image lines, audio signal lines, alarm control lines, and camera PTZ remote control lines have to be arranged. Wires or short circuits require a lot of time and manpower to perform maintenance, and the wiring work is quite tedious. In addition, the large amount of wiring required due to the large scale of the project will also increase the cost. These are problems that NVR cannot produce. Compared to DVRs, NVRs can be connected with only one network cable, eliminating many wiring details and reducing construction costs.

(IV) NVR has the convenient advantages of plug and play

For a long time, for network monitoring products, the setting and operation of the network has often made engineers feel complicated and troublesome, such as IP address setting, IP address allocation, domain setting and forwarding, and other complex management background software. This has made engineering companies more afraid of it, but it has changed since the advent of NVRs. Now NVRs not only have automatic network IP dispatching, camera search, and device management functions, but also more convenient image setting and installation operations. At this stage, you only need to connect the network cable and turn on the power, the system will automatically search the IP front end, automatically assign an IP address, and automatically display the screen, which greatly highlights the advantages of NVR plug and play.

(V) NVR has the advantages of up to a large amount of storage and remote access to backup

In the past, video storage was often unable to obtain video data due to the interruption of the analog line. In addition, DVRs were limited by the storage capacity of the main body and lacked a backup mechanism. Therefore, if the central device or line fails, the video cannot be completed. Now, after NVR is adopted, due to the network architecture, the system can have back-end storage and backup storage functions, plus the front-end storage of the network camera, you can get triple storage guarantee. NVR storage capacity devices have also greatly increased. Currently, the mainstream is SATA / SATAII (e-SATA). From small to hard drives that support 1 slot, it can now support more than 24 hard drives, naturally forming an array storage mechanism. In addition, NVR also supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 and other backup types in terms of storage. Such conditions have advantages that are not available in DVR applications in the past when large amounts of storage and remote image viewing are available.

(6) Security advantages of NVR

Surveillance systems generally have more or less security risks. If there are no safe and reliable conditions, the network and its applications are actually unreliable. In network monitoring, the mainstream of NVR monitoring is adopted. AES code stream and other methods to ensure security, such as encryption, user authentication and authorization, the security issues of network monitoring products are basically gone, which is also a great advantage of NVR.

(VII) Management Advantages of NVR

The network management of the NVR monitoring system should be said to be the biggest application advantage of the NVR system. The NVR can realize the full monitoring and centralized management of the transmission network and all IP cameras, including from the monitoring of equipment status and parameters to the health of the equipment. Such a management mechanism is beyond the reach of other monitoring systems.

In addition, if the NVR monitors the front end or the line is faulty in the application, it is more convenient for the NVR to find out the specific reason than the general DVR. Hidden problems in network security are also far more secure for DVR devices than for NVRs. In fact, the construction and installation of NVR equipment does not have much physical work. On the contrary, there are many network code stream encryption, user authentication, and authorization settings and installation procedures under the network mechanism.


As the NVR system constructs a monitoring system, it has the advantages of a wider range of front-end equipment choices, more adaptability to the network, and stronger application capabilities. It can be expected that the requirements of the NVR system for the monitoring system will be more and more extensive in the near future. Under such circumstances, high-definition, network, and intelligence will also become the future development direction of the monitoring system. In the future, high-definition monitoring based on NVR systems will definitely become the trend of industry applications. Source: China Security Industry Network

NVR and DVR, as the core storage and analysis equipment of video surveillance, play an important role in the security surveillance market.The biggest difference between the two is that DVR encodes and decodes the analog video collected by analog cameras and stores them in hard disk While NVR directly records the digital video that the camera has encoded. Features of NVR compared to DVR: 1. Front-end diversity 2. Network adaptability 3. Streaming media application 4. Distribution. NVR has advantages over DVR: 1. NVR has the advantages of diversification of image data 2. Broad transmission and expansion advantages 3. Construction wiring advantages 4. Plug and play convenient advantages 5. Reachable mass storage and remote access backup 6. Security advantages 7. Management Advantages. With the popularization of HD, NVR is expected to become the leader of the security storage market and even the replacement of DVR with its technical and functional advantages

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